I do not know with whom Gayus build and whether any build aimed. Clearly, these great houses in Ivory Park View has been completed, and certainly not by naked eye in accordance with how he was making a living legally. Gayus must be smart, because it can persuade people to deposit money with the incredible amount of it and of course the ability to fool immigration by using other names are the brains that could be, never got in school. He found it possible in its interactions with the people who really intend to Gayus build together blah blah blah. Office of Tax Police was behind the innocent.

Because an institution could also not be blamed when the people in it do an illegal act to enrich self. Not to blame, because the office was merely an institution where its direction depending on the people who manage them. Why the smart Gayus it corruption? Chances are there several? Conduct Embezzlement, but his heart is darkened, by himself. Slowly but surely, an illegal act that would darken the hearts and the results of embezzling state funds. Smart but not smart, Gayus is intelligent, meaning able to manage information around it for its own interests. Unfortunately he is not emotionally intelligent and spiritual. Not smart for not feeling any emotion felt by the devout people of Indonesia will pay taxes to build the nation.

No intelligent spiritual, because it ignores the fact that God exists where and watch anytime. Gayus is a portrait of a nation state that bawdy chaos. And Task Force Anti-Mark was the one who now crowded into a star in every news. Corruption is indeed possible for smart people and just be smart without being accompanied by intelligence. Large correction for education if it only put cleverness. Cleverness can indeed produced at the school; but intelligence can only be obtained in life. I think this is just the entrance to uncover other cases that had to be revealed, but the smell of political bandwagon even burst not be avoided.