Movies: In 2009, the children would like to have some opinions, there was a huge box-office. "Transformers 2", "Twilight," "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" to think there are only a few topics. "Before," "Hannah Montana: The Movie" and "The Magic Mountain Race" was also criticized. Since all the children will enjoy a family movie, the great gift of family. Instead of individual gifts can be very economical for a family in the movie! Books: This technology driven age, the gift of rare books. Children still love to read, but probably not too much of his own books. libraries, although most of the supply of books for children to read books and encourages you to continue the academic life. Do not know where to begin, not with books? Newberry-winning book ALA, as a rule, more than reads.

The New York Times bestseller young adult Fiction Young people and provides a list of books. However, should you in the list of libraries. Transformers: Transformer toys back and think more creatively than ever before. Transformers can turn into a very different thing. Optimus Prime and Bumblebee are currently the most popular ones. Both songs from the movie transformer, so that their children have not been yet, you might want to possess them. American Girl Dolls: American Girl series is still very popular among young girls. Before the release of Christmas in last year: American Girl items repertoire, "American Girl, Kit Kittredge," including films such as roses. The girl, as they look like a series of election or selection of American Girl Dolls American Girl dolls are created.
Christmas dresses for baby girls and their love of American Girl clothes even match the Christmas gifts for the girls to wear them. If you love your girl and an American girl might want to look for can help you get the idea that you can subscribe to a catalog of American Girl! Dress Up: Dress up clothes for girls and boys, cool! Boys Like Girls are not interested in princess costumes, but the fire, lions, and enjoy dressing up like a ninja. Wear clothes, and do not get these toys encourage imagination and creativity in the game are "old." Many organizations are building schools to teach about other cultures and free play dress-UPS during the entire period of use. Girl, wear costumes and dance around like a princess.
If the accessories do not forget, if you decide to dress up clothes as a Christmas gift! Princess costumes, feather boas for the girls and boys to toy guns for cowboy costumes in need! Rent: This is a two-wheeled classics continues around and begging for attention. Many children, as vehicles to school and around town, because they use a bicycle, is a semi-responsible gifts. As a child bicycle under the tree on Christmas morning to find what is not excited? Wii: Wii and Wii games even a ball this Christmas. Karaoke with Wii Fit, Hannah Montana, and a sword fight, Wii has something for everyone. Their friends to play with them, their love of music allows you to watch the game with Rockband are also very popular among the young crowd.